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Dark Souls II Xbox 360 Cheats

  • Game: Dark Souls II
  • Game Description: Prepare to die yet again in the sequel to the notorious action RPG, Dark Souls. The hero, story, and world are fresh and new, but the gameplay remains as challenging as ever. Explore a world that has fallen into darkness, fight terrifying enemies that will bring you an inch away from death, and join others in a unique multiplayer mode.

Key Items to Find cheat for Dark Souls II on Xbox 360

There are a few items you should find as soon as you can.
Ring of Binding
Effect: Raises your maximum health to 75% when you are a Hallowed.
Location: Cross the drawbridge that leads from Heide’s Tower of Flame to the Cathedral of Blue. First, you must make it past eight Old Knights along the path. You must at least kill the eighth. When you do so, you will raise a switch, which you can use to lower the bridge. It is possible to evade the first seven Knights, but only if you are very fast.

Pharros Lockstones
Effect: You need these to use certain contraptions, which will reveal treasures, open new paths, and more.
Location: Buy the first one from the woman near the bonfire by Cardinal Tower in the Forest of Fallen Giants. The second is hidden in the locked house in Majula, for which you need the House Key.

House Key
Effect: Unlocks the locked house in Majula, which contains numerous useful items.
Location: In the Forest of Fallen Giants, enter the tunnel along the scaffolding, below the ladder. Go through the tunnel, and head left when you reach the chamber beyond the pit. Make your way past the boulder trap and you will find a man crawling. Talk to him repeatedly until he gives you the key.

Game Name: Dark Souls II

Cheat Name: Key Items to Find

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