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Dark Souls II Xbox 360 Cheats

  • Game: Dark Souls II
  • Game Description: Prepare to die yet again in the sequel to the notorious action RPG, Dark Souls. The hero, story, and world are fresh and new, but the gameplay remains as challenging as ever. Explore a world that has fallen into darkness, fight terrifying enemies that will bring you an inch away from death, and join others in a unique multiplayer mode.

Key Characters to Find cheat for Dark Souls II on Xbox 360

There are a few characters you should find as soon as you can.

Licia the Cleric
In Heide’s Tower of Flame, go up the stairs near the Dragonrider to find Licia. You can buy spells and catalytic items and get the key to use the Subterranean Contraption near Majula.

Gavlan the Merchant
Gavlan is on the second floor of a house by the harbor. He will buy any items you don’t want, but you can only visit him once in this location, so make sure you have plenty of stuff you want to sell before you talk to him. He also sells poison and anti-poison gear.

Calhillion the Sorcerer
Go through the docks at Dead Man’s Wharf, go up into the town, head right, and then go down the new path into the docks to reach the pier where Calhillion waits. You can buy spells and a Sorcerer’s staff from him.

Game Name: Dark Souls II

Cheat Name: Key Characters to Find

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