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TNA iMPACT! Xbox 360 Cheats

  • Game: TNA iMPACT!
  • Game Description: Based on the top-rated television show, the TNA iMPACT! Game for the Xbox 360 is a very popular one for all those that love wrestling matches. With this game you get to choose your own individual style and the clothing that you want your ultimate champion to wear. TNA iMPACT! allows amazing aerial feats as well as bone-grating crush of hard-hitting impacts and it features talents such as Samoa Joe, AJ Styles, Christian Cage, Sting, Abyss. You will feel like taking part in the one of the television wrestling shows you love.

King of the Hill cheat for TNA iMPACT! on Xbox 360

First you double press X, then he will fall on the ground.

Then get your your finisher, let him break out of the pin and before he gets up jump on the ropes and toss his head by pressing LB, RB and X at the same time.

This will toss him on the floor and quickly do the pin.

Game Name: TNA iMPACT!

Cheat Name: King of the Hill

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