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Hunted Demon’s Forge Xbox 360 Cheats

  • Game: Hunted Demon’s Forge
  • Game Description: Hunted: The Demon’s Forge is set in a dark fantasy world and is a co-op action fantasy game in which you must go up against endless waves of enemies. To assist you, you'll have a very large range of weapons and will also need to use your brains to overcome and solve puzzles as you fight your way through the game and attempt to solve it's myserties.

Achievements cheat for Hunted Demon’s Forge on Xbox 360

All That and a Bag of Chips - 15 gamerpoints - Obtain an Epic quality weapon.
Bull in a China Shop - 15 gamerpoints - Trick the Minotaur into destroying all the pillars in the Arches of Fire section in Llyr.
Business of Makin' Sausage - 25 gamerpoints - Complete Chapter 6.
Cashews on The Counter - 15 gamerpoints - Complete the Tutorial.
Catch! - 15 gamerpoints - Escape the Collapsing Aqueduct without taking any damage.
Crystal Clear - 15 gamerpoints - Adventure Mode - Collect all possible crystals throughout the game.
Don't Cry, Little Dragon - 50 gamerpoints - Adventure Mode - Find all Dragon Tears in the game.
Dungeon Makeover - 15 gamerpoints - Unlock 50% of Crucible content.
Dungeon Master - 50 gamerpoints - Unlock all Crucible content.
Eye for an Eye - 15 gamerpoints - Kill an Eye of Annuvin before it can summon reinforcements on the Road to Kala Moor.
God Complex - 15 gamerpoints - Create your own Crucible level.
Gold Finger - 50 gamerpoints - Amass 100,000 gold.
I'll Huff and I'll Puff... - 15 gamerpoints - Trick a blind dragon into shooting down the weak tower in the depths of Kala Moor.
Ice Queen - 15 gamerpoints - Adventure Mode - Cooperatively kill 50 frozen enemies.
Is Something Burning? - 15 gamerpoints - Kill 20 enemies using explosive barrels.
It's All a Top Priority - 15 gamerpoints - Adventure Mode - Use the Deathstone to communicate with every spirit in the game.
Joined at the Hip - 15 gamerpoints - Adventure Mode - Perform a Spell Link with your companion 20 times during the game.
Kaboom - 15 gamerpoints - Kill at least 3 enemies with one explosion.
Kung Fu Graphics - 15 gamerpoints - Complete Chapter 3.
Late to the Party - 50 gamerpoints - Adventure Mode - Free all bound prisoners throughout the game.
LF1M Dungeon Crawl - 50 gamerpoints - Complete a 25 room map in Crucible.
Like Butter - 15 gamerpoints - Equip a Rare, or better, quality weapon in both inventory slots.
Mr. Furious - 15 gamerpoints - Complete Chapter 4.
Not on My Watch - 15 gamerpoints - Kill a fleeing Wargar in the town of Dyfed.
One Man Wolf Pack - 15 gamerpoints - Unlock 1st piece of Crucible content.
Pump YOU Up - 15 gamerpoints - Adventure Mode - Battle Charge your companion 50 times during the game.
Raise the Not Quite Dead - 15 gamerpoints - Adventure Mode - Cooperatively kill 50 levitating enemies.
Rampage - 15 gamerpoints - Kill 20 Wargar before the crane platform gets to the bottom in the Dungeons of Dyfed.
Razor Sharp - 15 gamerpoints - Kill 15 enemies with the Forest flechette gun on the Road to Kala Moor.
Rockstar - 15 gamerpoints - Complete Chapter 2.
Sandy V. - 30 gamerpoints - Adventure Mode - Defeat all bosses as E'lara.
Situation - 30 gamerpoints - Adventure Mode - Defeat all bosses as Caddoc.
The Iron Triangle - 15 gamerpoints - Complete Chapter 1.
Whatever It Takes - 15 gamerpoints - Complete Chapter 5.
You Broke It, They Bought It - 15 gamerpoints - Shatter the shields of 50 enemies.

Game Name: Hunted Demon’s Forge

Cheat Name: Achievements

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