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Tip: Easy Win on Washington DC cheat for Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars on Xbox 360

game name:

Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars

cheat name:

Tip: Easy Win on Washington DC


Build 1 vehicle factory, 5 energy buildings, about 10 turrets (5 anti infantry and 5 anti vehicle) and 2 barracks and a lot of tiberium.
Build 6 tanks and 6 APC's and then buy 6 rocket launcher squads.
Put the launchers in the APC's and bring them to the enemy base.
Tip: kill the invisibility things first.

[more cheats for Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars here]


submited by: on Mon, 02nd June 2008 02:31 AM
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