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Tony Hawk's American Wasteland Xbox 360 Cheats

  • Game: Tony Hawk's American Wasteland
  • Game Description: In Tom Hawk's American Wasteland, you will encounter non stop action till you decide to leave the game and even that would be difficult. In the vast wasteland of skate culture, Los Angeles, you will progress through the Wasteland story choosing missions that will involve unlimited skating and BMX biking. The game is so well designed that you will never have to skate the same line twice! Tom Hawk's American Wasteland is an exhilarating experience for all Xbox 360 addicts.

Get to Santa Monica Early cheat for Tony Hawk's American Wasteland on Xbox 360

First, put in the code for the moon gravity cheat (2them00n) - the 00 are zeros - then go into the game.

Get to Beverly Hills.
Afterwards, go to the building with the bikini pictures on it.
Wall-Run-Up to the first ledge, then double-jump into a wall-run-up onto the top of the building.
Run towards the accessory shop, while still on the building.
You should start running through the raised part of the roof.
Once you're in the roof for about a second, then double jump.
You should fly through the air into a grassy area.
Turn to your right, and you should see a hedge and the backside of the fountain walkway.
Slowly make your way over to the hedge. If you are slow enough, you should fall through the floor. Afterwards, look for the side that doesn't have the elevator, but has the bus, and then go there.
You should end up in Santa Monica!

Game Name: Tony Hawk's American Wasteland

Cheat Name: Get to Santa Monica Early

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