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Red Dead Redemption Xbox 360 Cheats

  • Game: Red Dead Redemption
  • Game Description: Red Dead Redemption takes place in the America of 1911. The Wild West is on its way out, and John Marston is threatened by federal agents. He has to take his guns and find the group of criminals that used to be his friends for an epic battle for survival that takes place on the huge expanses of the American southwest and Mexico. As John Marson, you'll do your best to bury your past by taking out one man at a time.

Sharp Dressed Man cheat for Red Dead Redemption on Xbox 360

Go to the options menu and select the "Cheats" option. Then you just need to press Y and enter the following cheat code phrase to activate the cheat.

Note that doing this will permanently prevent your game from being saved and any achievements from being earned though!

Enter "DON'T YOU LOOK FINE AND DANDY" as a code phrase to unlock the gentlemen's suit.

Game Name: Red Dead Redemption

Cheat Name: Sharp Dressed Man

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