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Rainbow Six Vegas 2 Xbox 360 Cheats

  • Game: Rainbow Six Vegas 2
  • Game Description: Rainbow Six Vegas 2, sequel to Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas, is a first person shooting game. It tests the tactical acumen of the player as the player will take the lead role in the elite Rainbow squad in a quest to rescue the sexiest American city from a terrorist attack. The action is bound to be a never stopping one from the beginning to last. Logan Keller who played the lead role in the earlier version has been dropped and the new protagonist is the Bishop. The Rainbow Six Vegas 2 comes with character customization feature in multiplayer game mode. With much improved Havok and Unreal Engine 3, the teammate AI has gone levels up so that they cover each other while progressing forward in the combat action. With these new groundbreaking features and game play, the classic city combat action game is set to retain the top-selling videogame position in its genre.

Easy CQB cheat for Rainbow Six Vegas 2 on Xbox 360

First select single player terrorist hunt.

Set the map to Vegas Junkyard and the difficulty to realistic, and the density to low.

When the game starts hide behind the truck/lorry, and fire a few shots.

The terrorists will come for you so just pick them off until there are only 12 left.
Then move out from cover and go to the ladder near the furthermost lorry on the left.

Go down there, and walk through the tunnel until you reach the ladder.

Stand really close to the ladder and al the terrorist will come down one by one.

Easy CQB XP.

Game Name: Rainbow Six Vegas 2

Cheat Name: Easy CQB

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