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Ninja Gaiden II Xbox 360 Cheats

  • Game: Ninja Gaiden II
  • Game Description: Ninja Gaiden II created exclusively for Microsoft Xbox 360 makes its most anticipated debut on Xbox 360. Ninja Gaiden II sequel to Ninja Gaiden: Dragon sword has lived up to the expectations of its predecessor. Once more, we find the badass hero Ryu Hayabusa on a mission to avenge his clan and prevent the destruction of the human race. Armed with an assortment of ninja weaponry, help Ryu to skillfully maneuver through a world fraught with peril and danger. With all new and improved game engine and many new features like new auto-health regeneration system, levels, adventures, enemies and thrilling combat with an extensive assortment of ninja weaponry, representing a true evolution of the highly popular franchise.

Head On cheat for Ninja Gaiden II on Xbox 360

When you face the Archfiend at its 1st form, face him directly towards his core (you have to be as close as possible) this will prevent him from hitting you with his arms, but be aware he will attack, so you must evade, and use your arrows and shoot him in the face without doing it manually.

Now once you face his final form, go head on with your Eclipse Blade, so jump and continue to use air attacks, and repeat, so that he cant grab you, or use his ground attacks. When he starts to use his energy beams, evade it by using your inferno ninpo, and continue to attack him until you have defeated him.

Game Name: Ninja Gaiden II

Cheat Name: Head On

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