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LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes Xbox 360 Cheats

  • Game: LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes
  • Game Description: Famous DC characters and superheroes such as Batman and Robin, Superman, Wonder Woman and Green Lantern to save the citizens of Gotham City from the evil clutches of villains such as Joker and Lex Luther. An all-ages pleaser, full of classic LEGO characters and gaming environments with a lot of humour thrown in the mix. Explore Gotham City in a number of super cool vehicles, outfits and fighting gadgets to lock up the villains behind bars.

Achievements cheat for LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes on Xbox 360

Gorilla Thriller - 20 gamerpoints - Climb to the top of Wayne tower while riding a Gorilla and playing as a female character.
Kal-El Last Son of Krypton - 20 gamerpoints - Defeat Zod as Superman
Green Lantern's Light - 20 gamerpoints - Defeat Sinestro as Green Lantern
It's a Bird... It's a Plane... - 20 gamerpoints - Fly with Superman
Inferior Machines - 20 gamerpoints - With Brainiac, defeat any LexBot
Girl Power - 20 gamerpoints - Unlock all female heroes and villains. - Single Player Only)
The House of Luthor - 20 gamerpoints - Obtain more than 10,100,000,000 Studs - Single Player Only)
Combo Hero - 20 gamerpoints - Do a finishing move
Subway Hero - 20 gamerpoints - Use the Gotham City Metro
Super-Villain - 20 gamerpoints - Unlock all the Bosses - Single Player Only)
Toy Gotham - 20 gamerpoints - Complete the Bonus level
Justice League - 20 gamerpoints - Unlock all Justice League characters - Single Player Only)
Dynamo Duo - 20 gamerpoints - Play a level in co-op
My Hero - 50 gamerpoints - Rescue all Citizens in Peril - Single Player Only)
Super Hero - 50 gamerpoints - Get Super Hero in all levels - Single Player Only)
Team Building - 50 gamerpoints - Unlock all characters - Single Player Only)
Minikit Hero - 20 gamerpoints - Use all the Minikit vehicles
Test Hero - 20 gamerpoints - Test a custom character
Extra! Extra! - 20 gamerpoints - Collect all the red bricks - Single Player Only)
The End - 70 gamerpoints - Get 100% - Single Player Only)
Halfway Through - 50 gamerpoints - Get 50% - Single Player Only)
City Slicker - 35 gamerpoints - Collect all the gold bricks - Single Player Only)
Heroes Unite - 25 gamerpoints - Complete story level 15
Tower Defense - 25 gamerpoints - Complete story level 14
Core Instability - 25 gamerpoints - Complete story level 13
The Next President - 25 gamerpoints - Complete story level 12
Underground Retreat - 25 gamerpoints - Complete story level 11
Down to Earth - 25 gamerpoints - Complete story level 10
Research and Development - 25 gamerpoints - Complete story level 9
Destination Metropolis - 25 gamerpoints - Complete story level 8
Unwelcome Guests - 25 gamerpoints - Complete story level 7
Chemical Signature - 25 gamerpoints - Complete story level 6
Chemical Crisis - 25 gamerpoints - Complete story level 5
Asylum Assignment - 25 gamerpoints - Complete story level 4
Arkham Asylum Antics - 25 gamerpoints - Complete story level 3
Harboring a Criminal - 25 gamerpoints - Complete story level 2
Theatrical Pursuits - 25 gamerpoints - Complete story level 1

Game Name: LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes

Cheat Name: Achievements

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