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Farming Simulator 15 Xbox 360 Cheats

  • Game: Farming Simulator 15
  • Game Description: Build your ideal farm in this new simulator, with high-level graphics and physics to provide you with a rich world. The classing Farming Simulator mechanics return, so you can raise animals, harvest crops, and sell your products, but now a woodcutting feature adds a new twist. With hundreds of acres to farm and over 125 vehicles and tools to help you, Farming Simulator 15 gives you everything you need to manage the ultimate virtual farm.

Very Frequent Driver cheat for Farming Simulator 15 on Xbox 360

Although the game keeps track of your driving statistics in miles, the achievements measure by kilometers. You will need to drive 621.4 miles for the “Very Frequent Driver” achievement.

Game Name: Farming Simulator 15

Cheat Name: Very Frequent Driver

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