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Dead Rising 2: Case Zero Xbox 360 Cheats

  • Game: Dead Rising 2: Case Zero
  • Game Description: Chuck Greene, former motocross champion, is now playing as the main protagonist in Dead Rising 2: Case Zero. This character will link the original game with the new setting: place - Fortune City.

How to Kill Psycho That Comes After Katey And The Zombrex cheat for Dead Rising 2: Case Zero on Xbox 360

Before you give Katey the Zombrex get 3 assault rifles and one sword from the hunting store.

There's only 2 rifles in there so you will have to buy 2 rifles in the pawn shop which will cost 1,000 dollars. Then give her the Zombrex while you're shooting the Psycho.

Once your health is at one keep dodging him until he's not in shooting range then throw the garbage bags to the ground and get the food and refill your health BUT BE CAUTIOUS. There is spoiled hotdogs in them and they will keep causing you to throw up which makes you drop anything in your hands.

Until you find something good to drink it will keep doing that so be careful!

And that's how you defeat him.

Game Name: Dead Rising 2: Case Zero

Cheat Name: How to Kill Psycho That Comes After Katey And The Zombrex

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