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Call of Duty: Black Ops Xbox 360 Cheats

  • Game: Call of Duty: Black Ops
  • Game Description: Call of Duty: Black Ops is the seventh game in the well known blockbuster first person shooter franchise that is Call of Duty. In Call of Duty: Black Ops you get taken way behind enemy lines as a member of an elite special forces unit that primarily engages in undercover, covert warfare and espionage. Black Ops provides new weaponry, graphics, scenarios and everything you would expect from the COD series and promises to be one game that should not be missed!

Kino Der Toten Zombie Dogs Tactics cheat for Call of Duty: Black Ops on Xbox 360

There are two ways to do this cheat.

Firstly, go upstairs from the main lobby, and go all the way to the stakeout/mp40 room.
Open the door to the dressing room and go all the way back to the next door. Do not open that door.
If you look at the ground you will notice that there is a white line. If you stay behind that line, the dogs will stand in front of you, dealing you no damage for a range of 3-5 seconds, giving you enough time to killl them.

The second way is for after you turn on the power. When the curtains open you will notice that there are two ramps that you can walk on. One on each side of the stage.
When the dogs come, look on the ramp at the top for a corner. If you find it, you can stand on the corner, and it will appear as if you are floating.
If you do it right, the dogs will gather on each side of you not attacking you. And unlike the one in the dressing room, the dogs will not attack you.

These are the most effective ways of not taking damage from the dogs in Kino Der Toten.

Game Name: Call of Duty: Black Ops

Cheat Name: Kino Der Toten Zombie Dogs Tactics

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