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Borderlands 2 Xbox 360 Cheats

  • Game: Borderlands 2
  • Game Description: Sequel to the shooter loot fest that is Borderlands, Borderlands 2 features a range of new characters that are well-equipped with weapons to beat down a range of new enemies in new environments. Learn the mysteries of the universe of Borderlands through unexplored adventures throughout Pandora.

Weapon Dupe Glitch Offline cheat for Borderlands 2 on Xbox 360

Step 1: Get on split-screen mode.

Step 2: Drop all things you want to dupe to the SECOND PLAYER! (not the main one).

Step 3: Save and Quit on the SECOND player, not on the 1st.

Step 4: On you 1st controller signout so it doesn't save.

Step 5: Log back on and both characters should have the stuff.

Happy Vault Hunting!

Game Name: Borderlands 2

Cheat Name: Weapon Dupe Glitch Offline

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