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Xbox360Cheats.com is the ultimate source for Xbox 360 cheats and Xbox 360 cheat codes. In addition we have all the latest Xbox 360 tips, glitches codes and achievements, so make sure you bookmark us!

xbox 360 news

Lack of exclusives for holidays might hurt the PS3 as 360 dominates with Reach

Gamersmint : While everyone's busy flaking the Xbox 360 for the lack of exclusives, it seems Sony's not faring any better with their line-up of games for fall 2010. [read more]

This Just Cause 2 Stunt Was Worth $10,000

Kotaku writes: "All Daniel Steinberg of Saint Louis Park, Minnesota, had to do to win $10,000 from Square Enix was fly a jet plane through a casino. Steinberg is the winner of the Square Enix Just Cause 2 Stunt Challenge, beating out several solid competitors with his precision flying. It's not the most impressive Just Cause 2 stunt visually, but the skill it took making the plane fit through those windows was enough to impress the hell out of the contest's judging, and that's what counts." [read more]

PS3 vs 360 Face-Off: Enslaved: Odyssey to the West - Digital Foundry

Digital Foundry: "None of the disadvantages of either version are real game-breakers and overall either version is recommended, but if you own both consoles and have the choice of which version to buy, the Xbox 360 release is the one to get: a generally higher level of performance must surely take precedence over the occasional streaming problem." [read more]

CoD: Black Ops Prestige Edition RC car requires twelve batteries

Picking up the Prestige Edition of Call of Duty: Black Ops for that exclusive RC XD car? Well, it looks like you'll need to stock up on the batteries as well if you want to use it. [read more]

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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Tactical Insertion Tactic
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