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Avatar Xbox 360 Cheats

  • Game: Avatar
  • Game Description: Avatar: The Game is James Cameron's new official video game based on the widely anticipated James Cameron's movie by the same name. In the video game, you will delve deep into an alien planet called Pandora that is a place beyond where your imagination can take you. You will encounter the Na'vi, the indigenous people of Pandora as well as other life forms that you've never seen in real life or in video games before. Once the conflict between the RDA Corporation (a space resource exploration group) and the Na'vi starts, you'll find yourself thrown into the middle of a fight for the entire civilization of Pandora. Can you handle it?

Using Skills cheat for Avatar on Xbox 360

If you use a skill, such as Pandora's Union and blend with the background, you can press start and change that skill for another unused skill and when you return to game play you will remain invisible and can then use the new skill.

Game Name: Avatar

Cheat Name: Using Skills

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